John Hsu


News Casts

羅蘭崗夜市廣場跨年夜 盼華人更團結



羅蘭崗夜市廣場 升級版華人跨年晚會

2014年全球馬拉松式的迎接跨年活動,繼台北101大樓煙火、紐約時報廣場水晶燈跨­年,接下來就是華人居住密集的南加州,將在羅蘭崗連續第九年舉辦,熱鬧的華人跨年晚會­。活動有哪些特色? 我們現在就連線給,「羅蘭崗夜市廣場」內的記者葉宏智,請他來說明。


看好跨年人潮 夜市廣場商家推促銷



第9屆Yes Plaza夜市, 環抱愛心跨新年 跨年晚會


STC 財富人生 - 麻煩物業怎麼辦?

08/02/2014 | 東森電視 蔣亮話 第十集

STC 財富人生 - 地產分析

07/05/2014 | 東森電視 蔣亮話 第九集

STC 財富人生 - 地產投資知多少?

07/19/2014 | 東森電視 蔣亮話 第八集

STC 財富人生 - 轉賣生意的各種問題與刁難

07/12/2014 | 東森電視 蔣亮話 第七集

In this episode we showcase a restaurant owner, and the difficulties he faced when he tried to sell his business. We hope to share advices and assistance to those who would like to sell or transfer ownership of their businesses.


STC 財富人生 - 遭到惡性競爭

07/05/2014 | 東森電視 蔣亮話 第六集

In this episode we showcase a restaurant owner. This spotlight hopes to share advice and assist those interested in opening restaurant business by giving them tips on areas that might need special attention.


STC 財富人生 - 在美投資碰到的辛苦及心歷路程

06/28/2014 | 東森電視 蔣亮話 第五集

In this episode we showcase Chinese Investors living in the United States. This spotlight hopes to share advice and assist those interested in U.S. commercial real estate investments by giving them tips on areas that might need special attention.


STC 財富人生 - 成功沒有捷徑,把握正確的資訊是成功的第一步

06/21/2014 | 東森電視 蔣亮話 第四集

STC 財富人生 - 協助商家走過低谷 STC案例分享

06/14/2014 | 東森電視 蔣亮話 第三集

STC brings real people stories about making it in America. Operating a restaurant in a very competitive environment has it's difficulties. Restaurant owners has to present a overall dinning experience in order to stand out. Banana Bay's owner tried exactly that. But without knowing the exact rules and requirement to obtaining a entertainment license, difficulty arises. We will discuss in this episode about permits, it's conditions and requirements.


STC 財富人生 - 順天聯合基金會 青年領袖受歡迎

06/07/2014 | 東森電視 蔣亮話 第二集

STC Foundation aims to teach the three elements of “Health, Love, Wisdom” through the three core courses of Youth Leadership Camp, STC’s Cultural Exchange Program, and its Asian Youth Recognition Program. Through communication and sharing, we hope to build a better future for our children and unite our community in order to inspire them to strive for a better tomorrow.


STC 財富人生 - 如何立足商場? 投資有訣竅!

05/31/2014 | 東森電視 蔣亮話 第一集

As a management company, STC Management often encounters new comers to this country in difficulties, due to language barrier or unfamiliarity of rules and regulations.  At ETTV, STC will bring you real life stories of people we've met and touched our lives.  As a company that was founded by immigrants, we understand there's a responsibility to the community that we have joined and made our homes. STC Management CEO, John Hsu will be laying out the people's story we've familiar in the past years and the steps we have taken to ensure our future generation for a better future.


商家憂短期交通堵塞 看好長遠人潮

其實Nogales Street是許多洛杉磯東區華人上班族,每天經過的重要路段,加上兩旁聚集了大量的華人餐廳、商家、大型超市,封路一定會造成很大的影響。根據東區的一位,華人資產管理公司分析,這項工程長遠來看,對東區發展是利多的。

03/20/2014 | 東森電視 社區新聞


3月15日商業法講座 助新移民創業圓夢 (for more info)


03/13/2014 |東森電視 生活新聞


ETTV 東森新聞 2014 跨年倒數活動

Asian Business Seminar News (more info)

大紀元新聞:洛杉磯縣政府部門應邀向商家介紹法規- STC: 華人在美經營要善用官方資源

中天新聞:CTiTV News_March 12, 2013



國際衛視 STC 財富指南 第一集


國際衛視 STC 財富指南 第二集