John Hsu


March 15, 2014 (Saturday) 8:30AM to 12:30PM

Asian Business Seminar

On March 15th Los Angeles County Supervisor Don Knabe collaborated with STC Management, San Gabriel Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce, San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership, Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation, and the Korean American Economic Development Center successfully held its Asian Business Seminar at STC Center.  This event garnered the attention of hundreds of Asian small business owners. Congressman Ed Royce also expressed support for Rowland Height’s and Hacienda Height’s constant growth of Asian businesses during his opening remark.

In Rowland and Hacienda Heights, the sight of Chinese signs is not a strange thing. As each entrepreneur hopes to create and achieve their own American Dream they must do so within the local regulations of the U.S. especially in regards to business-related laws. With their limited English, many small Asian business owners run into this difficulty.

The event organizers wish to help this constituent by helping them understand major issues and having the department’s experts personally answer questions and concerns. By offering complete materials and translations of English, they wish to immerse these hopeful entrepreneurs in a comfortable learning environment where they can educate themselves with the required know how needed to comply with statutory provisions.

Many important topics were covered by government departments and legal experts on subjects such as: 1) Restaurant Do’s and Don’ts, 2) Ways to Increase Your Sales, 3) How to Manage Employees and Reduce Liabilities, and 4) Legal Advice for Protect Your Business. 

3月15日,由洛杉磯縣政府長官 Don Knabe 、聖蓋博谷地區商會、聖蓋博谷經濟夥伴、洛杉磯縣經濟發展局、韓美經濟發展協會、以及STC資產管理公司聯合舉辦的「亞裔商家免費法規講座」在STC Center 東區第一會館成功舉辦,迎來了上百位的亞裔中小企業主。國會眾議員Ed Royce也到場,表達了對羅蘭崗和哈崗亞裔中小企業成長的支持,也肯定了這次講座對社區的貢獻和幫助。

洛杉磯縣政府總監 Don Kanbe 特別與聖蓋博谷地區商會、聖蓋博谷經濟夥伴、洛杉磯縣經濟發展局、韓美經濟發展協會、以及 STC資產管理公司 合作,針對小型企業、商家、餐廳等業主、以及想創業之民眾所特別關心的重大議題,由各部門的專家親自為您解答疑問。現場並提供完整中、英文翻譯,讓所有華裔的朋友們能夠瞭解在美國創業與做生意所需要遵守與注意的法規條文。


資訊包括 Topics will include:
餐廳業者所有應注意事項 Do’s and Don’ts of Restaurant Ownership
如何提高效率及避免員工訴訟 How to Manage Employees and Avoid Liabilities
增加銷售有效的方式 Effective Ways to Increase Sales
可以保護企業的基本法律建議 Basic Legal Advice to Protect Your Business


This is the second time STC Management collaborating with LA County to hold a FREE Asian Business Seminar. This seminar is designed for businesses around the Hacienda Heights and Rowland Heights area. Whether you are a small business owner, retailer or Restaurateur, we urge you to take the opportunity to be more acquainted with the rules and regulations that governs your business practices.

Organizer 主辦單位

LA County
Don Knabe, Chairman Pro-Tem, Supervisor, 4th District, County of Los Angeles
In association with the Regional San Gabriel Valley Chamber of Commerce, Rowland Heights Community Coordinating Council, Hacienda Heights Improvement Association, Rowland Heights Chinese Association and the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation, STC Management and the San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership

Sponsors 贊助單位

STC Management


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